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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 167-336

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On the Eigenvalue Problem for a Class of Band Matrices Including Those with Toeplitz Inverses

William F. Trench

pp. 167-179

$LU$-Decompositions of Tridiagonal Irreducible $H$-Matrices

W. J. Harrod

pp. 180-187

Inverse Problems for Means of Matrices

William N. Anderson, Jr. and George E. Trapp

pp. 188-192

Incomplete Factorization of Singular $M$-Matrices

J. J. Buoni

pp. 193-198

Packings by Complete Bipartite Graphs

P. Hell and D. G. Kirkpatrick

pp. 199-209

Values of Graph-Restricted Games

Guillermo Owen

pp. 210-220

The Cyclic Coloring Problem and Estimation of Sparse Hessian Matrices

Thomas F. Coleman and Jin-Yi Cai

pp. 221-235

Difference Methods for the Numerical Solution of Time-Varying Singular Systems of Differential Equations

Kenneth D. Clark

pp. 236-246

A Packing Problem You Can Almost Solve by Sitting on Your Suitcase

Dorit S. Hochbaum and David B. Shmoys

pp. 247-257

Simplified Reliabilities for Consecutive-$k$-out-of-$n$ Systems

F. K. Hwang

pp. 258-264

On the Spectral Radius of Complementary Acyclic Matrices of Zeros and Ones

Richard A. Brualdi and Ernie S. Solheid

pp. 265-272

Using the QR Factorization and Group Inversion to Compute, Differentiate, and Estimate the Sensitivity of Stationary Probabilities for Markov Chains

Gene H. Golub and Carl D. Meyer, Jr.

pp. 273-281

Expanders and Diffusers

Marshall W. Buck

pp. 282-304

Characterization and Recognition of Partial 3-Trees

Stefan Arnborg and Andrzej Proskurowski

pp. 305-314

An Application of the Singular Value Decomposition to Manipulability and Sensitivity of Industrial Robots

Masaki Togai

pp. 315-320

A Multiplier Method for Identifying Keyblocks in Excavations Through Jointed Rock

J. L. Delport and D. H. Martin

pp. 321-330

Hard Enumeration Problems in Geometry and Combinatorics

Nathan Linial

pp. 331-335

Erratum: Volterra Multipliers II

Ray Redheffer

p. 336